I never made new year’s resolutions until last year. At the start of 2024, I only put one resolution on my list: pass my driving test. There were a series of other smaller goals I wanted to achieve, but by the end of 2023 I was incredibly burnt-out and coming off the back of the hardest year of my life, so I only had the mental and emotional capacity to focus on one thing.
This year, my list of goals is longer, but they all share one overarching theme: me.
If I sit back and take stock of the past few years, I’ve spent a lot of time climbing a success ladder of my own making. Since my teenage days I’ve devoted myself and swathes of my time to academic and professional achievements: studying hard throughout school and college, writing my dissertation, earning a first in my degree, graduating from university, getting jobs in marketing, gaining further experience in my field.
But now that I’m in a full-time marketing/social media job I’m happy with, it finally feels like I have some time to work on myself.
It’s a simple goal, but an important one nonetheless. I’m not saying 2025 will be THE year of reinvention where I become a whole new and improved version of myself, because that’s a lifelong endeavour, not one you can cram into 12 months.
With this list, I’m just making a conscious effort to implement little changes that will improve an area of my day-to-day life, even if only on a small-scale.
Start outdoor running.
Be more intentional with my reading. Don’t get caught up by shiny new buzzy books. Slow down and take my time with the books I read.
Stop apologising for things that aren’t my fault (especially at work).
Buy more second hand across the board.
Don’t spiral too much about turning 25 this year.
Break out of the comfort of routine. Be more open to new things, new experiences, new people.
Diversify my music taste and find new favourite artists.
Get my car fixed (and don’t scrape it up again!).
Take more pictures of mundane yet beautiful things for my own memories.
Bake more and gift my bakes to family/friends.
Reduce my screen time!
Don’t bring work home with me.
Dedicate time to fiction writing. Maybe finish the short story idea I’ve had for months.
Curate a better morning routine for workdays instead of just rushing out the door.
Read one non-fiction book a month.
turning 25 is amazing, you literally *feel* your frontal lobe develop ✨
i find myself at a similar phase where so much of the rat race has been run and now i'm not sure what to do? your list is an excellent start! happy new year 🤍